You've probably heard the saying 'The only constant in life is change.'
Change is a given in life, whether you like it or not, but especially if you are an ambitious high-achieving woman who is always seeking growth and improvement. Change is a constant in life, business, and career, but how we navigate it can significantly impact our growth and well-being.
So doesn't it make sense that you would need to learn how to navigate change? And not only survive in it, but thrive in it and come out better on the other end without losing yourself?
One of the most powerful tools for navigating change is journaling.
By reflecting and journaling on the current season you’re in, you can gain clarity, uncover wisdom, and set the stage for meaningful learning & transformation
In this post, I’ll guide you through a series of intentional questions designed to help you explore the season of life you’re in and shift your mindset around change.
These questions aren’t arbitrary; they’re carefully chosen to support deep reflection and discovery.
There are no right or wrong answers—only your truth.
Understanding Your Current Season
The first step in this journaling practice is to identify the season of life, business, or career you’re currently in. We all go through different seasons, each with its own unique challenges and opportunities.
It may also feel like a combination of seasons right now, with different seasons in life vs career/business vs relationships- and that's okay.
I like using nature & the seasons to give language to what we may be experiencing. See some examples below, but free to use your own language to describe your current season
Seasons of Rest & Hibernation: A time to pause, reflect, and restore your energy.
Seasons of Growth: When you’re actively learning, expanding, and taking on new challenges.
Seasons of Nurturing and Stewardship: A period focused on caring for what you’ve already built, whether it’s a business, a relationship, or personal growth.
Seasons of Blossom and Harvest: When your efforts bear fruit, and you’re reaping the rewards of your hard work.
Seasons of Shedding and Release: A time for letting go of what no longer serves you, making space for new growth.
Change Journaling Prompts for Reflection
Use the following questions to guide your journaling session. Remember, there’s no rush— get comfortable, play some good music, and give yourself the space to explore each one fully.
1. What season of life/business/career are you in currently?
Describe how this season feels for you. What words or images come to mind?
2. What are you learning?
Reflect on the lessons this season is teaching you. What insights have you gained?
3. What are you being taught?
Consider the challenges you’re facing. What are they trying to show you about yourself or your path?
4. What are you releasing?
Identify what no longer serves you in this season. What habits, beliefs, or situations are you ready to let go of?
5. What do you need to remember?
Think about the core truths or values that anchor you. What do you need to hold onto as you navigate this season?
6. What or who are your current main sources of support?
Consider the people, practices, or resources that are helping you through this season. How can you nurture these connections or rely on them more?
Exploring your Beliefs about Change
Our beliefs shape our thoughts, which in turn dictate our actions and habits. When it comes to change, the beliefs you hold can either empower you or keep you stuck. This section of your journaling practice invites you to examine and shift your beliefs about change.
Example of Belief Shifting:
Limiting Belief: “This is too hard. I don’t think I can take it. It feels like this always happens to me, and there’s no way out.”
Expansive Belief: “This is a challenging season AND I am learning and growing through it. I am committed to stewarding it with self-compassion. I trust myself to decide when something in my life is no longer serving my betterment.”
Notice how different these beliefs feel? The situation may not change instantly, but your perspective does—and perspective is everything.
Journaling Prompts to Shift Beliefs about Change
Use these questions to explore your current beliefs and shift towards more empowering perspectives.
1. How do you currently feel about change?
Describe your immediate reactions to the idea of change. What emotions come up for you?
2. What emotions arise when you think about change?
Explore the specific feelings that change evokes. Are they positive, negative, or a mix of both?
3. What beliefs do you hold about change or the current season you’re in?
Write down your current beliefs. Are they helping or hindering you?
4. What NEW beliefs do you want to hold true and close to your heart?
Identify the beliefs that would empower you to navigate change with more ease and grace.
5. What characteristics or qualities do you want to embody more?
Think about the traits you admire or wish to cultivate. Patience, flexibility, grace—what qualities will support you in this season?
6. Jot down three strengths that help you handle change.
Identify the qualities or skills that support you during transitions. How can you lean on these strengths more?
7. What would your future self tell you as encouragement during this change/ transition?
Imagine your future self, who has successfully navigated this season. What words of wisdom or encouragement would they offer you now?

Journaling is a transformative practice, especially when you’re in the midst of change.
By taking the time to reflect on the season you’re in, explore your beliefs, and shift your perspective, you can navigate life’s transitions with greater ease and empowerment.
Remember, there’s no rush in this process—give yourself the space to discover what’s true for you.
xo, Loli
If you would like more support, connect with me here